Code Whale

Coding for Kids by Kids

First of all

Welcome to Coding Whale!

Coding Whales is a platform designed to teach kids how to code in a fun and interactive way. Our courses are run by kids, for kids, and are tailored to suit different age groups and skill levels.

Not to mention

Our Approach

At Coding Whale, we believe in a hands-on approach to learning. Our curriculum is designed to be interactive and engaging, so kids can have fun while they learn.

And let's not forget

Meet Our Team

Our team is made up of passionate young coders who want to share their love of coding with other kids. We believe that anyone can learn to code, and we're here to help!

About Coding Whale

Coding Whale is a platform that provides coding courses for kids. Our courses are designed and taught by kids, making them fun and engaging for young learners. We believe that every child should have the opportunity to learn how to code and develop valuable skills for the future.

Dive into the world of coding with Coding Whale!

Get in touch with us!